Monthly Archives: April 2013


I really, really hope it doesn’t snow in the morning.

Tomorrow is our local marathon/half/5K and bike tour. Sarah and I have been riding this for quite a few years now and except for the first year when we froze our toes off we have had decent weather. This year…..oy….not so sure; it was 32 this morning at my house. Add precipitation and wind chill to that and a ride would be tough.

But, this year especially, I want to ride. I need to participate.

My marathon running career ended a few years ago and now I run shorter distances and ride the longer ones. I’ve got to say….it’s much more fun to ride a marathon when you’re as slow a runner as me! But I don’t ride well in the cold and wet….Sarah and I were discussing this and she had the *brilliant* idea of switching to running the 5K. I knew there was a reason to send her to college!

Yesterday after work, in the hills above the city, I ran a few miles with Boston in my heart. Tomorrow we will do the same; offering sweat and effort and prayers for everyone affected by the horrific events of the last few days.

As I write this, the second suspect is in custody.

We all know there is plenty of badness out there; so be safe, be strong, be a force for good.

Run for Boston; run for all of us.


Signing the race banner that will be sent to the Boston Athletic Association
Signing the race banner that will be sent to the Boston Athletic Association


PippinTook is Gandalf’s little brother. Never mind that he is of a different species, he is the quirky, social butterfly younger sibling to Gandalf’s older, more sensible, kind of nerdy big brother. An odd couple by any definition, Pippin adds a certain flavor to our family; remember the movie Young Frankenstein and Marty Feldman’s character… Continue Reading


  I’m told the Eskimos have something like thirty-seven words for snow, and in the last eighteen months of walking with Gandalf I have come to realize that likewise there should be many more words for darkness. In our culture we only quantify not-light as “dark” or “dusk” but it is my theory that dark… Continue Reading

Connie Scott Productions